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  3. How Do I Change My Federal Tax ID?

How Do I Change My Federal Tax ID?

We are glad you have reached out to let us know of the change to your business. When a change to the Federal Tax ID occurs, generally one of 3 scenarios exist. Please review the instructions that relate to your specific scenario:

  • My company changed its Federal Tax ID because of a change in ownership.
  • My company changed its Federal Tax ID because of a change in the company’s structure.
    • With any change in company structure, we are required to enroll your business under its new structure. In this case, we require the owner to fill out a new application. Please reach out to your sales representative, software application support, or account agent to being the new application process. This process can last anywhere from 24-48 hours once we receive your new application.
  • My company’s Federal Tax ID has not changed, but Clearent currently has the wrong number on file.

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