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  3. CBD Industry Certification

CBD Industry Certification

Pathward, N.A. requires third parties involved with hemp/hemp-derived CBD (excluding ATM sponsorship partners) to complete each section of the following attestation related to your involvement in this industry.

  • By marking this box, you attest that greater than 50% of annual revenue for the business is earned by growing, cultivating, or selling hemp/hemp-derived CBD-related products.
  • By marking this box, you attest that less than or equal to 50% of annual revenue for the business is earned by growing, cul􀆟va􀆟ng, or selling hemp/hemp-derived CBD-related products.

Merchant must:

  • By marking this box, you attest that your business is not involved in marijuana-related activities or marijuana-derived products.
  • By marking this box, you attest that the products your business is involved with meet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.
  • By marking this box, you attest that Pathward, N.A. products or services are for use only in conjunction with domestic distribution and payments activity of your products.

    Merchant hereby acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for recertification of this Attestation on an annual basis or as requested by Clearent, failure to do so will result in a non-recertification fee.

    By indication of your typed signature below and by marking the boxes above, you attest the responses provided are correct to the best of your knowledge. In the event Pathward, N.A. becomes aware that the above are not accurate, it may lead to penalties, including termination of your relationship with Pathward, N.A.
Click to down the CBD Attestation form
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